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This interview of me, by author Elizabeth Eagan-Cox, first appeared on her website. It is posted here with her permission. Copyright laws apply. To view the original posting, visit Elizabeth Eagan-Cox at:,

I first met Scott Wise a few years ago, when he was with Ghost Hunters Incorporated. Now, Scott has gone on to co-found and lead investigate another paranormal investigation group, known as Ghost And Spirit Paranormal, "GASP." I felt re-visiting with Scott is called for, in order to catch up with his new group and find out what he’s been up to. And. . . I have a few sticky questions in mind, and I know I can stick Scott with these questions, whereas another ghost hunter, not as familiar to me, might not care to answer my questions. 

1/Q. Originally, you have said that you first became interested in paranormal investigation because of a lack of paranormal occurrences in your life. Now that you have been ghost hunting many years, has that void of paranormal experiences been filled?

Scott: Yes, as a matter a fact, I have had numerous events in the past few years that have left me scratching my head. I have seen numerous, what we like to call, shadow figures in past investigations, but the one experience I had that really got to me is when I was with my former team at a bed and breakfast in Gettysburg. While conducting an EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) session in the barn of the property, I had witnessed a rocking chair rock on its own and around the same time I heard whispering in my ear and there were not any other investigators near me. Upon review, during that time you can hear a voice actually overlapping mine. When I extracted in from my voice and cleaned up the EVP, it sounds like, "Can I Ask Why You Are Listening?"

2/Q. You’ve been candid in mentioning that your wife Sharon is a skeptic, after all these years, is she still a skeptic? And, how does Sharon’s outlook on what you do influence you?

Scott: Yes, she pretty much still is. I have showed her numerous pieces of evidence from our past cases, but I haven’t found anything compelling enough for her to change her mind… yet. Don’t worry; I am not giving up on that challenge.

3/Q. I know your son Connor is interested in ghost hunting, do you ever allow him to tag along?

Scott: At this point and time we do not allow children to go along on the investigations for a few reasons. Safety is first and foremost. We have forms that we have to fill out for liability purposes, and some of the places we have investigated in the past have had some areas that are questionable.

Another reason is that we are being invited into peoples’ homes and private lives to do these investigations and to be fair to them we usually don’t include any guests on those investigations.

Last reason I can think of is if something paranormal did occur that would have us heading off the premises or the child would see something that would affect him, which he wouldn’t be able to comprehend. Anything can happen on these investigations, even bad things.

4/Q. Generally speaking, how do you, an experienced ghost hunter, introduce the concept of ghost hunting/paranormal investigation to a younger person, let’s say children as young as six or seven, compared to an explanation you would give to a teenager.

Scott: We would first start by explaining to them what we feel ghosts/spirits are. Funny you should have that question for me. Last month my friend Don and co-founder of GASP, went to his son’s daycare and did a PowerPoint presentation. It included information on different type of ghosts and why we feel that they exist and showed them a couple of photos, nothing scary, and played a few EVPs that were pretty much G-Rated. When we do presentations or paranormal dinners we let them know that some of the content may not be for children. We then explain to them how we set-up stuff and conduct an investigation and even let them play with some of equipment… they love that, especially the laser grid pen.

5/Q. On the GASP web site, ( you have a client questionnaire form that a potential client can fill-out and return to you via email. In reading over this form I was struck by the simplicity and thoroughness of the questions you ask of the client. I can see how the questions help the client to organize their thoughts and explain what they are experiencing. I have a few questions in regard to the form. For instance, the form asks: Have you taken any steps to prove that this (paranormal) activity could be rationally explained? So, Scott, my question to you is, how often do clients attempt to explain what they experience with rational/logical reasons?

Scott: I think for the most part, our clients do attempt to. Doors closing, windows slamming shut or odd noises around the home do not mean there is definitely something paranormal occurring. Most clients that contact us have had escalated occurrences beyond the things that are usually easily explained away.
Last investigation we were on, everyone was on the second floor in the master bedroom. Every once in a while we would hear a noise coming from down stairs. The client said she hears that noise a lot when she is up there. In this case, the noise turned out to be a loose floor board, when one of our investigators walk over that portion of the floor it sounded like the noise was coming from down stairs.

6/Q. Yet another question on the form is: If you own pets, has their mood or habits changed since the beginning of the (paranormal) activity? Okay, I have to admit, this question is brilliant. So often people attribute a pet’s seemingly odd behavior to something going on in the neighborhood, such as a stray dog or cat wandering about, OR, they never give their pet’s attitude/behavior a second thought. My question to you is: In your investigative experience, how often has a pet’s behavior been an indicator of paranormal activity?

Scott: I believe that animals are more perceptive when it comes to paranormal activity. Some of our clients with their pets, cats or dogs, have noticed some strange behavior. Like a dog growling at something that isn’t there or a cat hissing, staring or being engrossed by something that is not there. We also had reports of pets not wanting to enter certain rooms of the client’s house.

7/Q. Okay, no more needling you with questions about your client questionnaire. What I’d like to know now, is, what is the most interesting case you have been on since the formation of GASP?

Scott: I would have to say it was a residence in York, PA. We had quite a few Class A EVPs, and caught a shadow figure on video by the cellar stairs.

8/Q. There is so much controversy about orbs… Have you ever had a case where orbs truly were evidence of a paranormal presence and/or activity?

Scott: NEVER. We will never submit orbs as evidence of spirit activity. There are so many explanations for these so-called "spirit orbs." Some are dust (probably being the number one culprit), dirt on the camera, poor quality digital camera, pollen, and flash reflections from shiny objects in a room, just to name a few.

9/Q. Since I have brought up the topic of orbs, as possible evidence, what is the strongest, indisputable evidence in the majority of cases you have been on?

Scott: Most of the evidence we recover from investigations are Audio or EVP evidence. We have had some strange photos from past investigations, and very rarely do we get video evidence, which is the hardest type of evidence to get on an investigation.

10/Q. What is the worst influence on public perception of ghost hunting today?

Scott: Paranormal reality TV shows. They do whatever they need, usually well-exaggerated, to pull in the ratings. We were approached by a producer from one of those shows and after discussing with him what they expected, we decided not to take that route. 

11/Q. Flipping the previous question: What is the best influence on public perception of ghost hunting today?

Scott: Ghost hunting groups like ourselves who seek the truth through personal and scientific means. Not having to worry about any type of fabrication because there is no financial gain.

12/Q. If you had the opportunity to freely investigate any public building in the world, what would it be and why?

Scott: No, questions about it, Waverly Hills Sanatorium in Louisville, Kentucky. I have read about numerous personal experiences and other great evidence coming from that place, it’s like a hotbed of paranormal activity. The only other wish I would have is to get the whole place to ourselves for the entire investigation.

13/Q. What is the single, most annoying obstacle that you often encounter while on an investigation?

Scott: It doesn’t happen all the time but equipment malfunctioning and battery drainage can be a big pain.

14/Q. You recently took on the assignment to write for Pennsylvania Paranormal Magazine. Please explain what this magazine is about and what topics you have, and will be, writing about.

Scott: Yes, I have the privilege of writing for Donna Mistek’s Pennsylvania Paranormal Magazine. It’s a magazine "Dedicated to Uncovering the Paranormal Truth". My column is called "Paranormal Portal" and I will cover anything and everything to do with the paranormal. If someone would like to purchase the magazine they can go to the website:

15/Q. Okay, so now… in addition to wearing the hat of a paranormal investigator, you’ve picked up the pen to write… What else is on the horizon in regard to your paranormal interests?

Scott: Bill, our Tech Guy, is constantly coming up with new equipment and techniques for our group to test in the field.

16/Q. If people have more questions about you and/or about GASP, what is you contact information?

Scott: Scott Wise, Co-founder GASP. and

End of interview and Editorial Note: As one of the people on my personal list of what I call Paranormal Insiders, I have called upon Scott in several situations. In my Shannon Delaney Paranormal Mystery novel: A Ghost at Stallion’s Gate, I needed an authentic phase to use for an EVP. Scott shared with me an EVP he captured during an investigation and this EVP that was an inspiration for an EVP that is heard within the story’s context: "Do not taunt the spirits." Additionally, for my next novel, Scott once again answered my request. Scott is one of three pre-publication reviewers for this novel, Scott’s review blurb appears in the front section of the soon-to-be-released book: A Ghost To Die For.

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